:P yups, I'm still very much into peach, I can't help it, it almost seems innate at this point! giggle* I shall be releasing 2 'Freebie of the week' this week as I missed last week's! (finger points at towering mountain of work in corner) Stay tuned for them! :)
may blossoms (peach tango)
sweet blooms in an all peachy glory!
may blossoms (blue overture)
sweet blooms in an all blue-teal glory!
may blossoms (light acid pink)
sweet blooms in an all pink, light mauve glory!
Off to bed now!
Ooooh! very pretty!
Hey Lynn!
I agree with Andrea. Im a flower lover. and besides, I wanted to ask you how to use these. Pretty!
~Samreen M.
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